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How to Increase Website Traffic: A Beginner’s Guide

How to Increase Website Traffic: A Beginner’s Guide AllMeans

With technology permeating our lives, it is essential that your business have a website. A website helps you connect with existing and future customers, and it is a crucial component of promoting your business and disseminating critical information about your business. It can have a massive impact on your business’s success!


            However, your potential customers won’t be able to visit your site if they don’t even know it is there, regardless of how sophisticated your website design is or how much effort you put in.


            Therefore, you need to bring your website to others’ attention. In this article, we will discuss the value of website traffic along with audience targeting. Then, we will demonstrate several methods you can market your website to attract visitors. Let’s get started!


Why It Is Important to Increase Website Traffic

Website traffic is a rather straightforward idea. This term, in essence, relates to the volume of frequent visits your website receives. Those with high traffic have more page views per day or month than sites with low traffic.


            Naturally, every website owner wants more visitors. More visitors signal more opportunities you have to add new customers.  The number of visitors to your website becomes the number of opportunities your business has to share its brand, give an impression, and forge relationships.


            However, this is not just about numbers. Although traffic is necessary itself, the quality of traffic is as important. Good traffic refers to visitors who linger, engage with your content, visit again, and eventually convert.


So how do you get the traffic you want? The first thing you should do is to identify your target audience.


Target Audience

            You won’t be able to attract everyone to your website, so you should focus on those who will benefit the most from your products and services.


            To do this, you will need to identify your target audience. We recommend that you create a customer profile, which is essential for knowing where to focus your sales and marketing efforts. This can help you to understand who your target customer is and what their interests are. This can include:


  • Where do they hang out on and offline?
  • What is their preferred method of communication?
  • What is their age range? Expertise? Location? Job title? Etc.
  • What are their characteristics? (i.e., behaviours, attitudes, lifestyle, personalities, etc.)
  • What pain points does your product or service address?

Now that we have covered the basics with a customer profile, let’s look at the practical aspects of marketing your website. To help you do that, we will introduce 15 ways to get you to start driving traffic to your website.


  1. Optimise Your Website for Search – Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

When you start out, always focus on finding keywords that reflect your speciality and use them as the foundation for your blog posts and shop page. Usually, you’ll decide to focus on one or two keywords for each site.


Start off by focusing on keywords with less than 10,000 monthly searches. When you’ve spent a few months writing blog posts and perfecting your product pages, you may now focus on going after keywords with larger search traffic.


You can also pay attention to some long-tail keywords. These keywords are often more specific. Consequently, they usually have lower search traffic and less competition. As a result, It’s simpler to infer the searcher’s purpose as well as rank for relevant long-tail keywords.


When you design a website experience that caters to the searcher’s intent, you are more likely to offer the material they are looking for. The secret to increasing website traffic is to first lay a solid foundation of relevant keywords. Utilise your website’s blog to its fullest potential as this may help your website get the most organic traffic.


  1. Create Memorable Content

Simply posting content is not enough; you will need to provide material that stands out from the crowd. In fact, one of the best strategies to boost website traffic is to provide engaging and informative content.


Your information should be available to provide the exact, comprehensive, and correct answers that people try to find out on Google. In fact, websites with blog material produce 434% more search engine-indexed pages than those without it. Additionally, websites with more than 16 posts per month get about 3.5 times as much traffic as those with 0 to 4 articles posted per month.


The bottom line is that your website traffic should increase if you care about the content you deliver, post regularly, and learn what your audience wants to read.


  1. Submit Your Site to Search Engines

Whether or not you optimise your website keywords and content, you can always request search engines to crawl and index your website to improve your chances of showing up on search engine results pages for relevant queries.

  • For Google Submission:
    • Enter the Google Search Console> Select your property > Sitemaps > Copy and paste your URL > Click Submit
  • For Yahoo and Bing Submission:

Submitting takes a click or two, and your website will rank within a few weeks.

    4. Write Guest Posts

A great approach to build backlinks, boost referral traffic, and improve search engine results page (SERP) rankings is to write guest posts for other websites. When pitching, you should always do a comprehensive investigation of websites in your industry.


Make sure a website’s material is of the highest quality first, then examine its domain authority and review its guest blogging policies. Ask the publication if they will promote the post on social media and if they will tag you as well.

    5. Keep Active Social Media Pages

Social media plays a significant role in attracting visitors. It should be utilised in the following ways to boost website traffic:


  • Post content across all of your social media platforms
  • Interact with your followers as much as possible. You may respond to their comments, repost their content, tag them in your posts, etc.
  • Use relevant hashtags
  • Update the link in your bio to promote your new content, product, or service
  • Change the cover image to promote fresh content
  • Tag influencers who may be interested in your content
  • Provide alluring details from the content to get people to click the link to it
  • Respond to other people looking for answers with links to your content

You can run your pages on different platforms to increase your content visibility. Here are some great platforms you may use:


  • Facebook – known for its powerful groups and ads
  • Instagram – business-friendly with a large audience size
  • YouTube – eligible in ads and getting YouTubers to share your business (guides available in 3 ways to promote your YouTube channel)
  • Medium – another place to post your blog and introduce your brand
  • Twitter – a great platform for experimenting with your traffic increase strategy
  • LinkedIn – use it to share your PR news

You can also check out our blog on Best Social Media Platforms for Your Business and 5 Social Media Must-Know Hacks for Every Business Owner.

    6. Use Advertising to Increase Website Traffic

Using paid search, social media, and display ads to advertise can be an effective way to boost website traffic. Before investing a ton of money in it, it is vital to set budgets and goals since each option has pros and cons.


For example, when running pay-per-click (PPC) advertising, it is crucial to start with one campaign and a few different ad groups comprising the keywords you want to target the most. Once campaigns begin, observe how audiences respond to different keywords. It is possible that one keyword produced only impressions yet didn’t improve website traffic, while another produced clicks and conversions.

     7. Add Social Share Buttons

Add social sharing buttons to pages on your website that may be shared, such as blog articles, product pages, and photographs. Users may easily share your material on social media (with links! ), which will increase your traffic and social proof. Their network can click through to your site when they see these posts.

     8. Use Email Marketing

one efficient method of boosting website traffic is through promoting content via email newsletters. A few email marketing recommended practices are listed below:


  • Run A/B testing to see which email versions get more opens and clicks.
  • Both the subject line and the body of the email should contain intriguing details from the material.
  • Use personalisation strategies by including the subscriber’s name.
  • Emails should be responsive to mobile devices. Given that 46% of email opens occur on mobile devices, links should be simple to notice.
  • Add a button or link so readers can access more content by clicking it.
  • Utilise professionally prepared templates to give the email a pleasing aesthetic appearance.

Also, check out our detailed guides on Email marketing.

    9. Collaborate with Other Brands

Brand alliances provide your business credibility and place you in front of a certain audience. Any brand relationship should include a digital element, especially if you want to increase website traffic. Cross-promotion on social media or email, as well as links from their site to yours, are some examples of this.


    10. Influencer Outreach

Influencers in the industry are keen to contribute materials that their fans will enjoy. There are several ways for businesses to interact with influencers, including:


  • When advertising the content on social media, create a round-up with several influencers, such as “10 Influencers’ Views on New Trends for 2022.” Tag each of the participants in the round-up.
  • Influencers can be paid to post sponsored content on their social media profiles.
  • If your article makes use of the influencer’s material or research, include them in a social media post.
  • When the content is published, tag or email the influencer and request an interview or Q&A. They’ll probably show your stuff to their viewers.
  • Develop relationships with influential bloggers so they may talk about your brand in their blog
  • Get influencers to feature you in their email newsletter                                                                                                                                                                       11. Make Questionnaire with Share Result Features

Incorporating questionnaires into your content marketing strategy will help you generate leads effectively. Additionally, you have information about these people through their questionnaire responses in addition to the emails of users you can sell to in the future.


But let’s return to the core objective, which is website traffic. Users who successfully complete a questionnaire receive shareable results. After that, they share those findings on social media so their contacts can access the link and take the test themselves. Utilise this strategy to increase traffic while also expanding your email list.

    12. Exchange Backlinks

There are many prospects for backlink exchanges because so many companies are attempting to enhance website traffic. Contact relevant websites and offer your content as an additional source to be used in one of the posts on those websites. You can add a second incentive by proposing a backlink swap that benefits both parties, promising to include one of their links in a post of yours as well.

    13. Send Press Releases to Prominent Journals

Businesses shouldn’t just post press releases on a website for press release syndication and wait to see what happens when they produce news releases to promote themselves or their clients. They must vigorously promote the release and distribute it to important websites and periodicals in their respective industries.

    14. Create a Helpful Industry Tool or Content

Giving potential customers something helpful is a fantastic strategy to increase traffic. Create a variety of resources and materials that will benefit people in your industry, then make them available on their websites for no charge. You can increase your profits and generate new leads by posting gated content/tools (providing the material and tools in exchange for the user’s contact information). Promoting the information or tools on relevant LinkedIn Groups or forums where business people congregate is another strategy to boost website traffic.

    15. Leverage In-person Events

If you own a physical store or engage in temporary or pop-up retail, you will want to convert those in-person customers into online visitors. This will increase sales outside your regular business hours, in places where you don’t have a physical presence, and after your temporary activation has finished.


How do you do that? Collect email addresses at the point of purchase and offer a link to your website in e-receipts. Remind customers of your online store by plastering your website URP on in-store signage and other visual displays.



Getting visitors to your website is perhaps the most crucial reason for having one in the first place. If nobody knows about your website or understands why they should visit, your efforts will have been in vain, and your revenue will probably suffer. Therefore, you must develop a solid marketing strategy, and decide which methods to use to increase traffic to your website.


Do you have any questions about increasing your website traffic? Leave us a message to get a FREE consultation!

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